Clinical Ethics Reminder
All Heart Assisted Therapy® treatment procedures shared in these workshop videos are for use by licensed and/or certified mental and health care professionals only. The only exceptions pertain to the HAT-SR protocols.
Dr. Diepold strongly recommends, in accordance with appropriate clinical practice, that you take a complete psychosocial history, and have an understanding of the problem(s) within the context of the individual and their environment.
Effective psychotherapy requires a trusting relationship between therapist and patient. Dr. Diepold recommends that an appropriate therapeutic relationship be established before initiating Heart Assisted Therapy.
It is also stronglyrecommended that the population (adults, adolescents, children), and types of mental health issues (e.g., anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders), with which you work remain within your area of training and expertise.
Dr. Diepold further recommends that you take the time to adequately inform your patient with information about HAT as needed. To the best of my knowledge, since the introduction of HAT in 2006, there have been no reported detrimental effects from using HAT when recommended procedures are used.
Dr. Diepold adheres to the American Psychological Association’s “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.” In this regard, Dr. Diepold REQUIRES that all clinical information shared during the course of viewing these workshop videos be honored as CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with APA guidelines.